How Social Audience Insights Transform Your Data Strategy

Aug 3, 2021 | Audience Intelligence, Audience Retargeting

If you think about how your marketing team operates today—various research, campaigns, and strategic planning all happen simultaneously. Data is likely at the core of every initiative you run. But where is your team getting their data from?

For most marketing teams, data comes from a wide array of sources. To name just a few:

  • External vendors
  • Market research
  • Product usage
  • Internal data ops team

The reality is that marketing teams rely on a variety of disparate data sources which are by nature disconnected. Data is translated again and again as it moves downstream leaving your team vulnerable to discrepancies and conflicting results. Even worse, a lot of this so-called “data” doesn’t provide any actionable insights.

Lucky for you, there’s an answer to your data problem—a combination of rich social audience insights and the ability to seamlessly connect this data into the rest of your tech stack, all at the user level.

Uncovering Unified and Useful Marketing Data

We know that social audience insights help you to build highly accurate buyer personas. And if you consider the way an audience insights platform accomplishes this, it’s easy to understand how it also can deliver a powerful source of data to be used across your entire marketing organization.

Social audience insights fill in data gaps to give you a holistic view of your customers. While your various data sources typically pull superficial insights like demographics and purchase history, social audience insights help you determine exactly who your customers are and what motivates them to purchase.

For example—a fitness company knows their target audience is women aged 25-50. But what does that really tell them about these women? Social audience insights will reveal their interests, passions, preferred media sources, and even personality traits.

Once a marketer understands who their audience is and what makes them tick, it should be easy for them to take action, and with the right technology in place, it is. Insights and underlying user-level data can then be easily shared with all departments and vendors to ensure everyone is operating from a single source of truth. Audience data can be sent directly to paid media partners, used to develop highly effective influencer campaigns, or fuel cross-channel messaging and content development.

Your Marketing Org’s Secret Weapon is Social

If you head up marketing at an organization, here’s your cue to breathe that sigh of relief. You can finally take back control of your data strategy and feel confident that you have the following:

  1. Data Unification: Social insights overlaid on top of your first-party data will clearly define your customers and provide a single source of data your team can use to execute all campaigns from. This type of data unification means you’ll have consistency in messaging and outreach across all channels.
  2. Actionable Insights: Defining your target audience is one thing, but taking action on it is another. By integrating rich social audience data directly into your tech stack, market research, paid media, content marketing, influencer marketing, and product marketing teams can all take action on the exact same dataset to run powerful campaigns across their respective channels.
  3. Accessible Data: Marketers have all experienced data “gate-keeping” from other departments. It’s frustrating and prohibitive. A powerful social audience insights platform gives you all the data you need to by-pass the red tape and move forward with your campaigns.
  4. Accurate Data: What’s even more frustrating than sifting through various data sources is uncovering the inevitable data discrepancies. This is bound to happen with too many cooks in the kitchen but is easily eradicated when there is a centralized data source to vet against.

Having meaningful and actionable data gives you the power back and helps you to feel confident that you’re arming your team with the tools needed to effectively do their jobs and make an impact.

Final Thoughts

One of the hardest parts of a marketer’s job is having the right information. Too often, data is unavailable, inaccurate, or scattered across various sources and making sense of it all is a daunting task.

The right social audience insights platform will alleviate these frustrations by unifying data across your organization so that you finally have a single source of truth.

Ready to take back control of your data? Let’s chat.


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